Terrace reflections
Terrace Reflections
Terrace reflections is an ongoing place activation initiative that supports artists to display artwork in an outdoor environment for the whole community to enjoy and experience in Raymond Terrace. The program aims to:
- inspire the community’s imagination, allowing them to engage with arts and culture beyond the confines of a museum or gallery
- enhance Raymond Terrace’s beautiful environment and create a vibrant, eye catching display.
- reinforce the unique identity and historic environment of Raymond Terrace.
- provide a highly visible platform for creative expression and development.
To locate these pieces of art, head to the Best & Less Shop, corner of William and Sturgeon Street, Raymond Terrace.
Artist: Debra Liel-Brown
Debra’s paintings are based on Port Stephens. Those of you who also live here will recognise familiar features – angophoras, gnarly banksias and mangroves, the many swamps with abundant birdlife, swimming in gorgeous clear water, happy free-range chickens in backyards, the views from aboard the ferry from Nelson Bay to Tea Gardens. It’s a lovely place to live.
Visit debraliel-brown-artist.com for more information on Debra Liel-Brown