Find out about development applications lodged with Council the week prior. Each DA listing will have a direct link to view information and lodge a submission or comment.
The DA tracker enables you to view development applications when they are on exhibition, and to track progress as they are assessed - all online. Track yours here.
Find answers to many frequently asked questions about development applications in Port Stephens.
If you're about to complete a development application - we can help you works towards a successful outcome. You can access advice from our duty counter or request a pre-lodgement meeting. Find out more here.
The development application (DA) process can be overwhelming and confusing. That's why we've developed a simple guide to the DA process for your next build or renovation.
The NSW Planning Portal is the new destination for lodging and tracking a range of applications with Port Stephens Council. This includes development applications, construction certificates and occupation certificates.
The size and scale of your development proposal will determine which of the development assessment pathways is appropriate for you.
We established the Urban Design Panel to provide independent advice to Council on the quality of the urban design and amenity of specific types of development in Port Stephens.
Sign up to our DA e-subscription service to find out about development applications lodged with Council the week prior. Each DA listing will have a direct link to view information and lodge a submission or comment.