Contact us

Guudji-yiigu, Yii Worimi-guba barray. Welcome to Port Stephens Council.

Aggressive behaviour, whether it's physical, spoken or written, is not accepted or tolerated at Port Stephens Council. Council employees have the right to end a call or refuse service if aggressive behaviours are displayed.
Remember, our friendly staff are here to help. Please be respectful.


Port Stephens Council Administration Building 
116 Adelaide Street (Old Pacific Highway)
Raymond Terrace NSW 2324

Council's ABN 16744377876

Postal Address

PO Box 42, Raymond Terrace, NSW, 2324

Phone: +61 2 4988 0255

After Hours Emergency: +61 2 4988 0255 (follow all prompts for after hours line)

Administration Building Opening Hours

Monday to Friday, 8:30am to 5pm