Safe disposal of community sharps for residents
Did you know Council provides community sharps bins for residents to safely dispose of sharps, such as syringes, needles and lancets?
Syringes, needles and lancets should stay out of our garbage, recycling and litter bins; they're considered medical waste and need to be disposed of safely.
Sharps bins for personal quantities are available to the Port Stephens community 24 hours a day, 7 days a week and are free to use. Residents can find these located at:
- Karuah – Next to the Karuah Pharmacy: 18 Tarean Road Karuah
- Medowie – In Community Centre carpark: corner of Ferodale and Medowie Roads, Medowie
- Raymond Terrace – In the Centro carpark, near the pedestrian crossing: Port Stephens Street, Raymond Terrace
- Tilligerry – In the Aquatic Centre car park : Lemon Tree Passage Road, Mallabula
- Tomaree – In the Tomaree Library and Community Centre Carpark: Town Centre Circuit, Salamander Bay
Please note: Businesses looking to dispose of commercial quantities of sharps will need to organise their own private contracts.
Below is some helpful information on how to use the bins, and the accepted items and sizing: