eInvoicing cuts fraud and boosts cashflow

25 May 2023

eInvoicing is the new, safer, faster way to send and receive invoices directly through accounting software.

Are you worried about falling victim to cyber criminals? Or just tired of chasing late invoices that impact cashflow? Then start using eInvoicing today.

eInvoicing is the new, standardised way to send and receive invoices built into your accounting software. It doesn’t matter what software buyers and suppliers are using – it just needs to be connected to the secure eInvoicing network.

Once a supplier sends an eInvoice, it shows up automatically in the buyer’s accounting software ready to be checked, approved, and paid.

eInvoicing removes manual data entry making invoicing faster, more efficient, and accurate. This, in turn, results in timely payment, and even faster in some cases, which is excellent news for your cashflow.

All of which is great news for your cashflow.

eInvoicing also eliminates the use of emailed PDFs that leave your invoices and business vulnerable to online fraudsters.

The Australian Government is working with us and other business partners in the Hunter region to promote eInvoicing as a better and more secure way for business to send and receive invoices.

To find out more about how eInvoicing can help your business and how to get started, visit ato.gov.au/eInvoicing