Take 3 for the Sea movement protecting our precious waterways

Take 3 for the Sea  offers simple actions to address complex problems, keeping Port Stephens waterways and oceans pollution free and healthy!


Everyone loves exploring Port Stephens, which is always positive for local businesses and our economy, but the unfortunate downside to tourism success is what’s left behind – visitor litter.

Take 3 for the Sea is building a global movement of people who are connected to the planet. It believes in simple actions to address complex problems. How can we stop plastic pollution from killing wildlife and suffocating our planet? Take 3 pieces of rubbish with you when you leave the beach, waterway or…anywhere, and you'll have made a difference! It's that easy!

For businesses, Take 3 for the Sea is delighted to launch Ground Swell, a program designed to empower NSW tourism businesses to take the lead, develop and implement action plans to address litter and plastic waste generated by visitors – to make a difference in keeping their towns, beaches and oceans litter-free.

With no costs to participants, there's a 3-step litter reduction journey for businesses to follow, providing a solid learning foundation from the EPA’s 'Own It and Act' framework, helping participants:

  • understand existing litter hotspots specific to their business and their area
  • incorporate litter reduction solutions and source reduction best practice into their business operations
  • lead with confidence in their community and benefit from sustained litter-free success

The program is short, fun and informative, and you'll have the opportunity to meet like-minded NSW businesses to share challenges and solutions. There’s also a bonus Take 3 for the Sea Official Supporter Package (valued at $5000) for businesses that participate! In the past three months, 91 NSW businesses have registered and taken the first step already, and you can join us too! Register here to join the revolution!

Wherever we are, we are connected to the sea. The ocean provides us with oxygen that we breathe and the climate that sustains us. We need a healthy ocean for our own survival.  So let's all work together, and take 3 for the sea! For more ideas on how you can get involved, visit Take 3's Action Page.

Take 3