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Request or report it so we can sort it!

9 November 2022

If you see something you’d like us to know about, report it to us anywhere, any time through the ‘report and request’  tool on our website!

Our ‘report and request’ tool lets you choose the relevant category to log your report or request under, which generates a detailed report directly to our system. By cutting out the middleman, like third party reporting apps, you’re empowered to report issues or request a service directly and in real time.

It’ll go straight to the team best suited to your enquiry so they can help you faster! If you provide an email address, you’ll get a confirmation email with a unique reference number so you can follow up on its progress!

Here’s how:

  • Head to our website
  • Click on ‘report and request’
  • Select your category
  • Full out and submit an online form

Alternatively, just search for what you’d like to report (eg: ‘pothole’) to submit a report.

Coming straight to the source is a no brainer – request or report it so we can sort it!