George Reserve, Salamander Bay

Expected start monthExpected completion monthStatusBudget
AmenitiesJuly 2021September 2021Complete$150k
PlaygroundJuly 2021August 2021Complete$64k
IrrigationSeptember 2021September 2021Complete$5k

Latest updates

17 September 2021

Footpath connections are now complete which finalises the works at George Reserve.

Project description

We are upgrading the amenities and playground at George Reserve, Salamander Bay.

New amenities 

New accessible amenities will be installed, as well as a beach shower. The new amenities will feature 3 unisex cubicles, which have a range of benefits:

  • Improved public safety —  unisex toilets remove internal hallways or corridors, where people can gather or linger.
  • Reduced queues —  often women have to wait for a toilet while men’s toilets remain relatively unused. Unisex cubicles mean greater access to community space for those that need it.
  • Accessibility and inclusiveness — unisex public toilets can benefit a range of people with special needs (such as people with disabilities and the elderly). They are also valuable for parents who need to help their infant or young child, with using the toilet. Unisex cubicles are also far more inclusive for everyone in our community.

Construction of the new amenities is expected to begin mid-July 2021 after the school holidays and take 12 weeks for completion. There will be no public amenities available during this time.


There will be a small scale upgrade to the playground at George Reserve. The playground will include a new swing set and concrete paths to help access to and from the playground.


Replace irrigation system