Brandy Hill Drive, Brandy Hill

Expected start monthExpected completion monthStatusBudgetContribution

Project details

Shared pathway along Brandy Hill Drive, Brandy Hill - the project is subject to considerable constraints that vary across the 4.4km length of Brandy Hill Drive.

These constraints include:

  • Environmental impacts
  • Engineering or buildability considerations including other services such as electricity poles, roadside drainage, road reserve width and topography
  • Private land acquisition


We are currently in the design stage and plan to have a detailed design formalised in 2024.

The funding arrangements for this project are dependent on the adoption of a Voluntary Planning Agreement between Council and Hansons Construction Materials Pty Ltd. The draft agreement is planned to be considered at Council’s meeting on 26 March 2024 and then depending on the Council's decision placed on public exhibition for 28 days. Please follow this link to the Council’s agenda page [or later Council’s public exhibition page] for more information.

The construction period is not yet confirmed and is dependent on the adoption of the Voluntary Planning Agreement, however we expect it will begin in the 2023/2024 financial year.